An employee's work book is an extremely important document. However, for a long time, proper attention was not paid to the design and correct registration of this document. Forms of work books were easily purchased at the nearest newsstand, and a person dismissed from a previous job on an impartial article came to a new job with a new document.

Step 1
If you are faced with the task of verifying the authenticity of an employee's work record book, then this task, to put it mildly, is not an easy one, especially when it comes to documents issued earlier than 2004. Labor books issued in 2004 and later were made using the latest technologies and are aimed specifically at protecting against counterfeiting. Such labor is sold only to personnel services and cannot be acquired personally by employees. They provide several degrees of protection: TC watermarks, visible to the light, iris printing. The work book of the new sample is stitched with a special seam, which does not allow replacing the sheets in the book. The number of pages is 44. All books and inserts to them are counted by numbers, they are kept strictly to the point of indicating to which organization the books with certain serial numbers were sold.
Step 2
Faced with an old-style book, you actually have only two verification methods that cannot guarantee the authenticity of the document, at the same time, significantly reduce the chance of accepting a fake. Pay attention to the date of issue of the work book and its serial number. There is a strict breakdown of the series according to the years of publication, if the series does not correspond to the year of release, it is safe to talk about a fake.
Step 3
Try to contact at least some of the employers indicated in the work book to confirm the existence of such an organization and the employee's work in it. It is better to find the contacts of organizations on your own, through help systems or Internet resources, since relying on the information provided by the employee, you are not insured from communicating with any of his good friends.
Step 4
Thus, it is possible to draw conclusions about the authenticity of the work book, at the same time, one should not make hasty decisions, because sometimes an employee may not have an idea that his work does not meet the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and is actually invalid. Especially often with such situations are faced by those who got a labor in a small commercial organization. Therefore, if there are no doubts about the employee, but there are doubts about the document provided, it makes sense to start a new book, which will no longer cause any doubts.