When transferring a large amount of debt, it is important to play it safe. A situation can always occur when the borrower does not return the money on time. In this case, a document such as an IOU, which, if filled in correctly, has legal force, can protect the rights of the creditor.
Step 1
The IOU can serve as evidence during the trial in case of non-payment by the debtor of the due amount. This document should include the following points:
- Full details of the person who lends a fixed amount of debt. It is imperative to indicate passport data, otherwise the document will be invalid.
- The amount of debt, indicated in rubles. If the transaction was made in foreign currency, then its rate is indicated at the time of writing the receipt.
- Passport details and complete information about the person who takes the loan.
- The period after which the above amount must be paid to the creditor in full.
- The interest rate of the debt, if any. You can also specify the procedure for paying interest. Interest will be charged monthly, unless other options for their payment are indicated.
- Date of receipt of funds by the borrower.
- Signatures of two witnesses and their passport data.
Step 2
Formally, such a document does not need to be certified by a notary, however, in order to reduce the risk, it is still advisable to do this, because the signature of a notary always carries a lot of weight in court. Despite the fact that contacting a good notary can cost a rather large amount of money, you should not save on it, especially when it comes to large amounts. The signature of a notary is required if the amount owed by an individual exceeds ten times the minimum wage.