Timely financial support from friends or relatives is always very valuable, so it is especially important to properly formalize debt obligations. Because, despite your sincere intentions to repay the debt within the agreed time frame, there may be delays in payment for reasons beyond your control. And such a document becomes a confirmation of the transaction and a guarantee of settlement, which helps to maintain good relations despite the prevailing circumstances.

- A4 sheet of paper
- Pen
Step 1
Write an IOU in your own hand in free form, but with the obligatory indication of the important points of the transaction. The execution of such a document is not regulated by any regulatory legal acts, but nevertheless, when drawing it up, one should adhere to the generally accepted rules of document flow. To get started, prepare a standard sheet of white paper, a pen, and lender and borrower passports.
Step 2
Write the name of the document "IOU" in the center of the sheet. Next, indicate the date and place (city or other town) where the loan agreement was concluded. Start the substantive part of the receipt with "I, … (full name)". Indicate passport details and place of residence (according to registration and actual address). Continue with the words "received from … (full name)" and provide the details of your lender in the same format (passport details, place of residence). Complete the sentence "sum of money …". The amount should be written in numbers and deciphered in parentheses in words. And, of course, do not forget to indicate the currency of the loan. In conclusion, let us know the period within which you undertake to return the borrowed amount. Here you can also provide additional information about the concluded agreement. This can be interest for using a loan in accordance with the article on the signature of the lender. Decipher the captions in brackets (surname and initials).