How Is The Employment Record Entered In The Work Book?

How Is The Employment Record Entered In The Work Book?
How Is The Employment Record Entered In The Work Book?

Consider the basic rules for making a job record in the workbook of an ordinary employee. This information will serve as an instruction for the employee who is engaged in personnel records management in the organization, and will also be useful to any person in terms of checking his work record book for correctness.

employment history
employment history

First, let's answer the question, for whom is the work book kept? For the main employee, that is, if this work is the main (only) one for the employee, in contrast to part-time workers, in which the work book is kept only at the main place of work (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It would be useful to mention the timing of the entry. The employer is obliged to make a record of hiring an employee who has worked for more than five days (article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but no later than a week (Decree on work books dated April 16, 2003 No. 225). The entry is made on the basis of an order for employment.

And now let's go directly to the issue of making an entry. Instructions for filling out work books (Decree of October 10, 2003 No. 69) draws our attention to the fact that the entry is made accurately, with a ballpoint or gel pen, black, blue or purple ink. Abbreviations are not allowed (for example, you cannot abbreviate the word "order" to "etc.")

So, first you need to write the full name of the legal entity, as well as the abbreviated name (if any) in column 3, which is entitled "Job Details". For example:

Limited Liability Company "Romashka" (LLC "Romashka")

Under this heading, in column 1, we put down the serial number of the entry (the numbering begins at the beginning of the work book and continues further).

After that, in column 2 we indicate the date of the start of work: first the number (two Arabic numerals), then the month (two Arabic numerals), then the year (four Arabic numerals). For example, if an employee is registered for work on June 01 and his first working day is also on June 01, then it is clear which date needs to be reflected. If the documents are drawn up in advance (for example, the order is dated May 28, 2015), and the start date of work is May 29, 2015, then in the work book we indicate the second date, that is, when the employee started his labor duties.

Now, on the same line with the number and date in column 3, we make a record of employment, which begins with the words “Accepted” or “Accepted”, then it is indicated where the employee was accepted (in which department), and then - by whom (position). For example, “Accepted to the accounting department as an accountant” or “Accepted to the purchasing department as a manager”. If there is no department in the staffing table, then we immediately write the position.

Column 4 needs to reflect the reason for the entry, that is, the job order, its date and number. For example, "Order dated 01.06.2015 No. 125"

Errors in the work book are not allowed, but if there is an oversight, it is required to make corrections in a special way: first, recognize the previous record as invalid, and then make a new one.

At the request of the employee, information about part-time work can be entered in the work book. Such an entry is made at the main place of work, on the basis of the documents provided from the place of part-time work.
