Employees' work books record personal data of employees, information about their work, transfers to another place of permanent work, dismissals, incentives and awards, grounds for termination of labor relations. This list of information is exhaustive, it is forbidden to enter other information into the work book.

The list of information that is compulsorily recorded in the work book of any employee is enshrined in a special decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for maintaining these documents. At the same time, the employer cannot independently determine the information that should be recorded in the work book, since the types of all records and the specifics of their registration are determined at the legislative level. So, on the title page of the work book contains information about the employee himself, which includes his full name, date of birth, data on education, profession, specialty. The corresponding entries must be made on the basis of the documents submitted by the employee during employment.
Information about work and about dismissal
The main content of the work book of any employee is information about the work performed by him, the dates of admission and dismissal, the positions held in specific organizations. So, when hiring, the number of the record, the date of registration of labor relations, the name of the organization, the position of a particular employee, in some cases - the structural unit are indicated. Upon termination of an employment contract, the record number, the basis for terminating the relationship with the employer (with reference to the norm providing for this basis), and the date of dismissal are also recorded. As a result of fixing this information, any work book reflects the biography of the employee, allows you to draw conclusions about his professional qualities to future potential employers.
Rewarding information
Another type of information that must be entered in the employee's work book is data on his incentives and awards. If an employee is awarded in the course of work, then a record is made about this on a separate page. In particular, personnel workers record the number of the record, the date of the award, the name of the organization, the name of the award and the position of the person who awarded the employee. Also, in a separate column, you must make a link to the details of the document on the basis of which the award was issued. The legislator prohibits entering information on disciplinary sanctions in the work book with one exception. This exception is the case when the dismissal of the employee on the appropriate grounds acts as a disciplinary sanction.