An independent union is a group of leaders chosen from the workers of the same enterprise or formed from a group of people working in different enterprises when it comes to a united independent trade union. In order for the organizational group to work legally and have the right to vote at any level, it is necessary to correctly draw up the documentary part, taking into account the requirements of Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and a number of articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

- - an elective meeting;
- - protocol;
- - charter.
Step 1
To create an independent union, select a group of employees. The number of trade union members must be at least six. One of them will be the chairman, two - deputies, three - members of the audit commission, one of them - the chairman of the audit commission. All members of an independent organization must have oratorical and organizational skills, have any education, but be well trained and have an initial knowledge of the Labor Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
To elect leaders, hold a general meeting of all employees in the enterprise. The meeting can be held within the walls of the enterprise itself or outside it, it does not matter at all. Choose the chairman of the meeting, the secretary who will announce the agenda, keep the minutes. Record and announce that the meeting is about the establishment of an independent trade union, the election of a committee, and the adoption of an organizational charter.
Step 3
Enter all points of the meeting in the minutes: the choice of the chairman, deputies and the audit commission. The chairman of the RK will be elected by the members of the created commission by internal voting.
Step 4
To write the charter, hire an experienced lawyer or borrow the charter of an existing independent trade union from another organization and transfer it into your charter, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.
Step 5
All selective actions are carried out by general voting, enter the number of votes during the elections into the minutes of the meeting, collect the signatures of all workers who participated in the elections under the minutes, familiarize the head of the enterprise with the results.
Step 6
An independent trade union has the right to control the work of the management of an enterprise, make decisions on changing internal legal acts and documents, demand an increase in wages taking into account the prices of retail goods, introduce part-time work (Article 73 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), participate in drawing up a work schedule (Article 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And also to raise the issue of early re-election of elective positions, if the work of the selected does not suit the majority of those working at the enterprise, to control the involvement of workers in overtime work, to participate in the coordination of vacation schedules.
Step 7
The chosen independent trade union can call on workers to rallies, strikes, contact the labor inspectorate on behalf of all workers, hold demonstrations, pickets and use other available methods of influencing the leadership, but at the same time be limited to the framework of the current legislation, that is, do not translate constructive methods into battles.
Step 8
According to article 5.28-5.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an employer who does not heed the requirements of an independent trade union acting on behalf of all employees at the enterprise bears administrative responsibility.
Step 9
According to article 5 of the Law on Independent Trade Unions, elected leaders are not accountable to the primary trade union organization, parties and senior management, that is, an independent trade union is obliged to listen only to the opinion of workers and protect their interests.