The work book is very important, because it contains all the information about a person's labor activity. This document indicates the length of service and work experience, therefore, before taking up the position, you need to know which records should be made.

The work book is the most important document that is asked of the applicant first of all when he comes to the place of a new job. Therefore, it is very important that all entries in it are kept very clearly and correctly, without any inaccuracies and man-made corrections.
What records can be entered in the work book?
On the very first sheet of this document, information about its owner should be recorded. In addition to the surname, as well as the first name and patronymic, the date of birth must also be entered. All these records are kept on the basis of the document that proves the identity of the person (passport).
Further, on the basis of the document on education, the availability of special knowledge and qualifications, other records are also made: education, specialty and profession. The remaining sheets of the work book should contain detailed information about the beginning of the entry into office, the dismissal of the employee, as well as about the organization that hired.
All this should be described in great detail. So, if a person is hired, the number of the employment contract and its date must be indicated. If we are talking about the dismissal of an employee, then there must be records that are indicated on the basis of whether the person was dismissed, that is, articles from the Labor Code must be indicated.
Labor activity
The work book may contain records that a person is being transferred to another job, as well as about success in work and awards, if any. Do not record any penalties in this document. The exception is those cases when the violation becomes the reason for dismissal, but then a specific article is indicated.
No later than a week, all orders are entered into the work book on the basis of a specific order for dismissal, qualifications, transfer to another position. All entries must have their own serial number, and also entered in the document without any abbreviations.
In addition, the personnel department must have a personal employee card, where he must sign that he is familiar with all the entries in the work book. At the place of work, records must also be made about the terms of service in the customs authorities, the police department, as well as in the bodies that control the circulation of psychotropic and narcotic substances.
If an employee underwent any training or refresher courses during his work, then there should also be appropriate records about this. If the owner of the work book was in correctional labor without deprivation of work, then the work book should contain an entry that this period is not included in the continuous work experience.