How To Become An Event Specialist

How To Become An Event Specialist
How To Become An Event Specialist

Hosting events is one of the most effective ways to draw attention to the event that it concerns, or to the company that hosts it. A specialist in this field is called an event manager, from the English "event" - "event".

Teenagers party
Teenagers party

Event specialist characteristics

In order to become a specialist in conducting events, it is important to know what they are, how they differ from each other and how to carry them out. To do this, you need to have a theoretical base and practical skills.

The theory can be explored by reading the specialized literature on the subject. There are not many books on the topic of events, but you can find them.

From domestic textbooks it can be A. Shumovich "Great events" and "Mix, but do not shake. Recipes for organizing events ", O. Goikhman" Organization and holding of events ", G. Tulchinsky" Management of special events in the field of culture. " From foreign authors it is worth familiarizing yourself with the works of S. Lemer "The Art of Event Organization" and U. Halzbauer "Event Management".

Practical skills are the ability of a person to organize their work. To create a good and memorable event, the specialist must soberly assess his strength and the possibilities of translating the idea into reality. To do this, he must be able to plan his activities and the activities of assistants. Understanding who will cope better with what task is one of the steps to successfully organizing an event. The second key factor is creativity. Ideas proposed by a specialist should be feasible and interesting to the people for whom they are created.

Therefore, the event manager must be a creative person with an adequate sense of humor, an active life position, capable of organizing himself and others.

The main algorithm for organizing an event

There are a huge number of different activities. They can be large and small, and can affect both the entire country and individual families. The largest group of events are events to draw attention to the company and its activities. Despite all their diversity, there are common organizational points. They boil down to 6 main points.

1. Deciding on the event: what is the reason for it? What is the scale? Where and when will it take place? The choice of the format of the event, in accordance with this.

2. Determination of the target audience of the event: who should attend it and why?

3. Writing a script for an event.

4. Budgeting (with limited funds, there may be a reverse approach - drawing up a scenario based on the budget).

5. Recruitment of personnel.

6. Inviting people to participate in the event. There are various ways to do this: direct mail, advertising, media announcements - the choice of medium depends on the format and scale of the event.

Family activities are also very popular. The main events in this category are birthdays and weddings. They need a slightly different approach than organizational events.

The date, time, place, who to invite and the budget of the event are determined by the customer himself. The work of the specialist includes the creation of a script and, possibly, the selection of actors and photographers. It is better to have in stock several different scenarios that can be offered to the customer. It is good to have a base, or a few familiar photographers and actors on whom you can rely in case of anything.

If a person does not know exactly how he wants to spend his holiday, you can offer him a ready-made plot, or, using leading questions, come up with a concept with him.
