How Can You Be Released From The Army In

How Can You Be Released From The Army In
How Can You Be Released From The Army In

Exemption from conscription service in the army is carried out on the grounds specified in the law. The decision on release should be made by the draft board after examining the conscript's health status, studying his documents.

How can you be released from the army in 2017
How can you be released from the army in 2017

The obligation to perform military service in the army by conscription applies to all male citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached draft age and have no reason to be released from the army. At the same time, one should distinguish between complete exemption from conscription and deferral from military service. The postponement does not mean release from the obligation to do military service, since after its expiration, this obligation again arises for a citizen of draft age. A closed list of grounds on which any recruiting commission must decide on exemption from service is enshrined in a special law "On conscription and military service."

Grounds for complete exemption from the army

The most common reason for complete exemption from conscription is poor health. So, those citizens for whom the medical commission has established the category of "limitedly fit" or "not fit" for military service are not called up for military service. In addition, secondary conscription into the army is excluded, therefore those persons who have already completed military or alternative civilian service by conscription, have fulfilled their military duty in another state (if the Russian Federation has a corresponding agreement with this state) are considered exempted.

Brothers and sons of those citizens who died in the performance of military duties or were injured, a disease from which they later died are also exempted from conscription. Finally, those citizens in respect of whom an inquiry, preliminary investigation in a criminal case is being conducted, are exempted from conscription. On the same basis, release will follow for those sentenced to correctional, compulsory labor, deprivation or restriction of freedom, arrest of persons. The presence of an outstanding, unexpunged conviction for any crime is also an independent basis for exemption from the army.

How is the release from the army formalized?

To obtain an exemption from the army, a citizen must present to the draft board documents confirming the existence of any of the above grounds. The release must be recorded in the decision of the said commission, which is announced orally to the conscript, and, if necessary, handed out in the form of an extract. If a citizen considers the decision made to be illegal or unreasonable, then after receiving this extract, he can appeal this document in a court, a higher draft board.
