What Is Legal Culture

What Is Legal Culture
What Is Legal Culture

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The basis of legal culture is the property of people to "normalize" relations with the outside world. Without an established legal culture, the formation of a legal state is impossible.

What is legal culture
What is legal culture


Step 1

Legal culture in the narrow sense is a system of normative relations arising between people or organizations, formed during social interaction and regulated by binding norms. In a broad sense, legal culture is a set of legal knowledge and attitudes of the individual, which are implemented in the process of communication and work and express a personal attitude towards the spiritual and material values of society.

Step 2

The legal culture of the state is formed on the basis of the system of law, the system of protecting public order, and the culture of the individual is formed by morality, morality, and public opinion. A person cannot exist in a society without law and morality. Like politics, they regulate relations in the state, social groups and between individuals, influencing the most important areas of life.

Step 3

The main elements of legal culture are law, legal awareness, legality and order, lawmaking, law enforcement and other types of activities in society. The elements of this culture also include various social institutions - legislative bodies, prosecutors, police, courts, penitentiaries, etc.

Step 4

The culture of law grows out of customs, closely interacts with morality and religion. With the development of society, it underwent more and more changes. The modern legal culture is based on the principles of freedom, equality and justice: all people are equal and each of them has certain rights and obligations. Any arbitrariness and arbitrariness shall be eradicated, with the exception of the right to freely express one's opinion.

Step 5

The development of legal culture can be carried out only in a civilized state that has systems of spiritual, psychological, intellectual and behavioral values both among social groups and individual individuals. As an integral part of the general culture, legal culture dictates a special form of life of the state and civil servants as the main subjects of law. It contributes to the formation of the legal system and regulates legal processes.

Step 6

For the development of legal culture and the formation of a system of law, it is necessary that the subjects of the state deeply understand the role of law in society, be ready to follow legal norms, correlate their model of everyday behavior with that adopted by law, and show respect for legal values.
