The main official body that contains all the constituent and legal data on legal entities as business entities is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities), and any changes in the company's activities must be entered into the state register. To make changes to the registration structures, an application form P14001 is submitted.

What is Form P14001
Application R14001 is the official form established by law and approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. It is intended to register changes related to the management, legal and economic activities of the company, namely: the conduct of the activities of a legal entity or change of OKVED; purchase, sale, inheritance or donation of a co-founder's share; change of head or legal address; registration of updated personal and passport data of the head or member of the company; correction of errors in the data of the enterprise, which were previously entered in the state register.
The application form P14001 consists of 51 sheets, each corresponds to a symbol in the form of an alphabet letter, and changes of a certain nature are displayed:
- sheet 001 (page 1) contains basic data about the company, which must correspond to the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - the full name of the company in the state language, INN, OGRN;
- sheet A (page 1) provides for the introduction of changes in the name of the company, is submitted to correct data in the register, different from the information in the constituent documents;
- sheet B (page 1) is intended for submitting data concerning the change of the legal address, it is also filled out in case of correcting incorrectly submitted information, or entering the coordinates of the new location of the company;
- sheet B (page 1-4) displays changes in the information about the participant - a Russian legal entity, with an accurate description of the data that have already been registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but are subject to change;
- sheet D (page 1-5) contains information about the participant of a foreign legal entity, and is filled out similarly to sheet C, indicating all the necessary information;
- sheet D (page 1-9) provides for the change in data about an individual - a participant;
- sheet E (page 1-7) displays changes in information about the participant - the Russian Federation, the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipality and other state structures;
- sheet G (page 1-5) contains data on the share investment capital, which includes a certain part of the authorized capital;
- sheet З (page 1) is subject to filling in information on the change in the share in the authorized capital of the company, its redistribution between the other participants or sale;
- sheet I (page 1) is filled in if the information about the holder of the register of shareholders of JSC is changed;
- sheet K (page 1-2) contains data about an individual who has the right to carry out activities on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney;
- sheet L (page 1-3) is designed to display changes in data about the managing organization;
- sheet M (page 1-2) contains information about the manager;
- Sheet H (page 1-2) displays data on the change of OKVED codes;
- Sheet O (page 1-2) is filled in when changing information about representative offices or branches;
- Sheet P (page 1-2) is intended for making changes in the amount of the authorized capital;
- Sheet P (page 1-4) is the last in the form P14001, and carries information about the applicant, who makes the appropriate changes.
Features of filling out the P14001 form
When making the appropriate changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it is necessary to fill in several sheets of the P4001 form at once, depending on the nature of the information, but sheets 001 (general information) and P (applicant) are submitted in all cases. So, P14001 change of director requires filling in sheets 001, K (termination and imposition of obligations of the head) and R. The applicant in this case is the newly appointed director. To change the passport data of the head, sheets 001, K (change of information about the person) and R.
Filling out an application R14001 for a notarized purchase and sale of a participant's share requires a more scrupulous approach. In this case, sheet 001 is drawn up, pages 1 of sheets C, D, D, E in the part concerning the participants, and sheet P. When buying a participant's share by a third party or another participant, in addition to these pages, sheet Z is filled out indicating a part of the share.
Having decided to change the types of activities, it is necessary to submit sheet 001, R, on page 1 of sheet H, indicate the OKVED codes that must be entered in the register, and on page 2 - the items to be excluded. The main code must be listed first in the entire list.
In order to avoid errors, and entering inaccurate data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, before filling out the R14001 application, you must familiarize yourself with some of the main points:
- in the form of the specified sample, it is allowed to submit several changes, for which it is necessary to fill in the corresponding pages (for example, changing the OKVED + buying a share of the company + changing the address);
- it is forbidden to make changes in the state register in one form, and to correct mistakes made earlier. In this case, two separate applications must be submitted;
- filling in Р14001 manually is carried out in block capital letters with a pen with black paste, and when printing on a computer - in Courier New font, size 18, 0;
- in case of registration of the application by an authorized person, a power of attorney certified by a notary will be required;
- printing of documents on both sides is prohibited.
Documents required for filing an application Р14001
Depending on the nature of the changes that are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the corresponding documents, drawn up in accordance with the established requirements, must be attached to the form of the specified sample.
When changing the legal address, together with the P14001 form, it is required to provide documents for the new premises in the form of a copy of the certificate of ownership, as well as a letter of guarantee from the owner. To change the data on the director of the company or his passport data, a protocol or decision on the appointment of a new head is attached to the P14001 form.
To supplement or exclude the types of activities of the company, the decision of the participants on the introduction of changes in the types of economic activities is attached to the application Р14001. Correction of previously made mistakes and inaccuracies when submitting information to the register should also be reflected in the corresponding protocol, which is attached to the new application.
In case of purchase of a share by a third participant, the form must be accompanied by a statement of the seller's withdrawal from the holders, a decision to sell the share, an agreement, a receipt or a payment order confirming the payment of the share.
An application form P14001, regardless of the nature of the data placed in it, must be notarized before being submitted to the registration and regulatory authorities. After making changes to the state register and the tax base, the registering authority is obliged to hand over to the applicant a Record Sheet from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is an official confirmation of this.