If you lend money, there is a danger that it will not be returned to you. In this case, you have the right to bring the debtor to justice and thus protect yourself. Therefore, correctly arrange the transfer of money for use so that you have grounds for a claim.

- - a receipt for the transfer of money into debt;
- - application to the court;
- - money to pay for the services of a lawyer.
Step 1
Find a lawyer who can help you present your case in court, as well as prepare the necessary documentation. If you do not know enough Russian legislation related to financial transactions, then you will need such legal assistance.
Step 2
Decide what you want to blame the person who did not pay you back. If you just want to collect the debt from him, then such a case will be considered civil and will not entail criminal liability. If there is reason to suspect fraud, then such liability may arise for it.
Step 3
Make a statement of claim to the court. A lawyer will help you with the exact wording. State in this document all the details of the case, as well as those laws and regulations that, in your opinion, were violated by the person who did not return the debt.
Step 4
Attach supporting documents to the application, for example, a receipt from the debtor on receipt of the money, indicating the date of their return. At the same time, it is permissible that this document be drawn up in a simple written form, without certification by a notary. It will be enough to have the signatures of both parties, put at the conclusion of the contract.
Step 5
Go to the district court of general jurisdiction and submit the documents you have collected there. Your appeal will be registered, subsequently a court session will be scheduled, at which you will have to appear. It is on it that a decision will be made to satisfy your claim or refuse it.
Step 6
If you are not satisfied with the court's decision, you can appeal to a higher court within the time specified by law. Again, a lawyer will help you draw up the relevant documents. But at the same time, be prepared that if you lose in another lawsuit, you may be obliged to pay the court the costs of office work.