According to the Federal Law "On the Bar and Advocacy in the Russian Federation" and the "Code of Advocate Ethics", a lawyer is liable for non-performance or improper performance of professional duties.

Step 1
When contacting a lawyer, be sure to conclude a written agreement with him on the provision of services. Indicate in the contract the obligations of the lawyer, the terms of his office, the total cost of the work and the cost of additional consultations. Pay for his services at the box office of the Bar Association or through a bank and by all means take a receipt.
Step 2
If you think that your lawyer is not properly fulfilling the obligations in accordance with the accepted assignment, collect all the documents to support this (receipts, testimony of witnesses, audio and video materials, etc.) before going to court.
Step 3
Make a statement of claim to the court. Indicate the reasons for the appeal (violation of the terms of the contract, unmotivated defense, missing the deadline for the appeal, transfer of the claim to a higher authority without your knowledge, etc.). As proof of the lawyer's negligence towards the obligations assumed, attach to the application all the documents you have collected or their copies certified by a notary.
Step 4
If your statement of claim is accepted for consideration by the court, then the actions of a lawyer, depending on the evidence you have provided, can be qualified as "negligence", "fraud", "libel".
Step 5
File a complaint with the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar Association if the court dismissed your claim. Do not forget to motivate your complaint and submit to the commission all the documents you have. The lawyer will be summoned to the Board of the Bar, where he will have to provide explanations for your complaint. If the Qualification and Disciplinary Commission considers them insufficient, then a disciplinary sanction will be imposed on the lawyer, up to and including expulsion from the Bar.
Step 6
If the commission did not find violations in the actions of the lawyer, contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint against the actions of the Bar Association, which thus covers its employees.