Sometimes it happens that investigators, seemingly called upon to act exclusively according to the law, violate job descriptions and behave towards detainees and suspects, to put it mildly, incorrectly. However, even a "kind" investigator can present the case in such a light that you will find yourself behind bars on a false charge.

Step 1
If you are detained, then you have the right to receive comprehensive information about the reason for the detention within 2 hours. Please note: you can refuse to testify in the absence of a lawyer, even if the reason for the detention has been explained to you. In addition, if you are a suspect in any case, only the investigator has the right to interrogate you, not the detective (unless he is part of the investigation team and does not have permission from the prosecutor for interrogation). Therefore, immediately demand that you show your ID from the person who wants to interrogate you.
Step 2
If you are summoned, you can request that an open audio or video be kept in the interrogation room. In principle, you yourself can take a dictaphone with you if you are not sure that the case will be considered objectively. However, if the audio recording was made without the knowledge of such evidence.
Step 3
If you do not remember the circumstances of the case or simply for some reason do not want to open them, say so. By the way, responsibility for refusing to testify or knowingly false testimony can come only during the trial, no matter what the investigator may say.
Step 4
If you nevertheless come under pressure from the investigator, feel free to write a statement addressed to the prosecutor or go to court. If you were physically coerced during the interrogation, see a doctor so that he can testify that you were beaten.
Step 5
Read it carefully before signing the protocol. If there are too large intervals between the lines of the protocol, put dashes in them. Sign on each side of the paper.
Step 6
Only the prosecution authorities themselves have the right to prosecute an investigator in the course of an official check or complaints of citizens about their illegal actions, except for cases when the investigator is caught at the scene of a crime.