By purchasing any product or ordering the necessary service, a person expects that everything will be done efficiently, in good faith and on time. But this is not always the case. To achieve justice, you need to be able to defend your rights.

- - Law on Consumer Protection;
- - address and name of the head of Rospotrebnadzor of your city;
- - cash and sales receipt.
Step 1
In the fight against unscrupulous representatives of the service sector, as in any other business, the main thing is prevention. After all, it is much easier to solve a small problem than to conduct a long, exhausting trial. Your first assistant is the Consumer Protection Act. Be sure to check it out. Despite the fact that this document is quite lengthy, do not be lazy and study it. This can be done by purchasing a printed brochure or by going to any legal site (for example, You will spend time once, and you will receive benefits all your life.
Step 2
Find out also where Rospotrebnadzor is located in your city and who is in charge of it.
Step 3
Be careful. This is seemingly simple advice, but not many people follow it. It is the carelessness and connivance of consumers that is the cause of most of the problems. If a person poisoned with expired cottage cheese had checked its expiration date before buying, he simply would not have bought this product. If a person who bought a low-quality product took a cashier's check with him, he could make a claim and get his money back.
Step 4
When people ask you: "Do you need a sales receipt?", Boldly say: "Yes." The cashier's check is definitely the main one, but it tends to fade ink quickly. And the service or product itself is not always indicated in the cashier's receipt, there may simply be an amount. Therefore, ask for both checks and keep them until the warranty expires.
Step 5
If the product turns out to be of poor quality and is out of order, contact your dealer. Explain the situation clearly, state your requirements (return money, replace goods, etc.).
Step 6
Be prepared to be asked to wait. The seller cannot just pull the money out of the cash register and give it to you. According to the law, you must write an application, the person in charge will consider it and make an appropriate decision.
Step 7
There should be two-way correspondence between you and this organization. You write a complaint, the manager is obliged to provide you with an answer in writing. If you write, and in return you receive only verbal promises, then they are not going to solve your problem at all.
Step 8
Be polite and confident. Do not start scandalous, as most buyers do, even if the situation is not in your favor. Cite an excerpt from consumer protection law that is relevant to your problem, indicating the article.
Step 9
Significantly hint that if the problem that has arisen is not resolved in the next one or two days, then the complaint about the organization will fall on the table of the head of Rospotrebnadzor of your city.
Step 10
When the subject of a dispute is an expensive item, staff may refuse to accept the complaint, start blaming you, and so on. To ensure that employees who commit such inappropriate behavior are punished, back up yourself.
Step 11
Ask a friend or acquaintance to come with you. But the store staff must think that you are completely strangers. If sellers start to be rude to you, do not fall for provocation and do not respond in kind. Instead, reach out to other people around you. Tell them that you are going to file a complaint against this institution and its staff. Ask them to sign it, confirming this fact.
Step 12
At this point, let your friend take action. Struck by flagrant violations of the law, he must agree to be an official witness and sign your statement. Other indignant visitors can also join him (it is always difficult to take the first step, but many can participate for the company), then the complaint will already become collective. And this threatens the company with serious proceedings, during which a number of other violations may come to light. Therefore, after long wrangling and disputes, they will still meet you halfway.