A consumer is a person who buys a product or service for personal use / consumption, excluding business activities. It is known that the consumer has certain rights, but not everyone knows in what situations they can be used. Often, deceived buyers themselves do not understand what happened, and do not know how the situation can be resolved in their favor by claiming their rights.

Step 1
The consumer has the right to receive complete, intelligible information about the quality of the product, manufacturer, composition. Information must be provided upon request if you intend to buy a product or use a service that you are interested in. Inaccuracy of the data provided is regarded as fraud and punishable by the competent consumer protection authorities. Responsibility is borne by the owner of the store, production, service provider - individual entrepreneur or enterprise.
Step 2
The consumer has the right to choose among competitive products. Despite the banal and natural possibility, irresponsible organizers often try to violate the right to choose and forcefully and voluntarily impose a product or service. The right to choose is closely related to the right to reliable information about a product or service, which is the consumer's priority of choice.
Step 3
The consumer has the opportunity to exchange a product for a similar or similar (as agreed by the parties) if it does not correspond to the declared description, technical characteristics, quality, dimensions or established standards.
Step 4
You have the opportunity to defend and protect your consumer rights. The restoration of violations is carried out by the supervisory authorities, with a further claim to the court if the defendant refuses to peacefully settle the conflict and restore the damage to the consumer.
Step 5
The consumer has the right to a refund of the money spent if the purchased product or service does not meet the quality, have hidden flaws. The service provider or seller may offer a similar product of adequate quality as a replacement for no less than the return cost. If there is no equivalent replacement, then you are entitled to receive the money spent and return the item to the seller.
Step 6
You have the right to moral and material compensation if the ordered service was performed poorly or had a negative effect on property, health or appearance. Payment of damage is made within the timeframes stipulated by the court, and in case of failure to fulfill obligations, it is collected by compulsory authority by the competent authorities.
Step 7
In case of violation of your rights, you must file a complaint with the supplier of goods or services orally and in writing. Be sure to keep the receipt, which is evidence of payment for a poor-quality product / service. Check the packed goods on site for visible defects and mechanical damage.