Statistics in recent years show that the number of hard-core non-payers of alimony in Russia has increased markedly. According to the Federal Bailiff Service, only 20 out of 100 people fulfill their obligations to pay alimony to their children. In this regard, the Government of the Russian Federation provides for a number of penalties.

Civil liability
Failure to pay alimony, according to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, threatens with constant visits from bailiffs with your former "soul mate" at your place of residence.
The bailiffs will not leave you alone and at work. They will constantly call both the work phone and the personal one.
If you want to relax, for example, in Egypt, then there will be trouble at the airport: you will not be released from the country until the debt is paid off. Today airports are equipped with payment terminals where you can pay your debt, but remember that the payment process takes a lot of time (while you fill in the required fields, transfer of funds). And the plane will leave without you.
For systematic non-payment of alimony, penalty interest is threatened. Penalty is charged for each overdue day in the amount of 0.5% of the amount of the established alimony.
From 2014, it is planned to amend the legislation of the Russian Federation by increasing the fine from 500 to 1000 rubles.
Also, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to supplement the Code of Administrative Offenses with arrest from 1 to 5 days or correctional labor for a period of 6 months to a year. And daddies (it happens that also mothers) suffering from drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism will be compulsorily treated in special institutions.
If you are already heavily indebted, be prepared for the fact that your property may be seized.
Currently, the issue of a new method of influencing debtors is being resolved - deprivation of a driver's license.
The issue of increasing the age before the child reaches which the debtor will pay alimony is also being considered.
Criminal liability
In accordance with article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, citizens who evade the payment of alimony can be prosecuted.
In this case, evasion should be understood as:
- failure to pay alimony for more than four months, - refusal of employment in the employment center, - deliberate concealment of real earnings.
The onset of criminal liability does not relieve the debtor of the obligation to pay alimony.
The following measures are applied to the defaulter:
- correctional labor for up to 180 hours, - forced labor for up to a year, - arrest, up to 3 months.
The new bill, which is under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation, is supposed to toughen criminal penalties for non-payment of alimony. The deputies propose to increase the term of forced labor and arrest.