The definition of working time is given in the text of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The specified normative act also defines the features of the legal regulation of working hours, the procedure for distributing working hours in a specific time period by the employer.

Step 1
In accordance with the current labor legislation, a worker is considered the time during which an employee of the organization must perform his duties in accordance with the terms of the concluded labor agreement, the internal labor regulations adopted in the company. In addition, working time includes a number of other periods in which the employee does not actually perform duties.
Step 2
Some intervals during which work is not performed are equated to working time, however, their functional purpose and features of use allow them to be interpreted in the manner described. These periods include, for example, breastfeeding breaks provided during working hours; breaks for meals at the workplace (these intervals should not be confused with regular lunch breaks, which do not count as working time); inter-shift rest for shift workers and some others.
Step 3
Determination of specific periods that relate to working hours is an essential element of labor relations, since it is during these intervals that the employee and the employer perform their duties, the employee can be held accountable for disciplinary violations at this time. The remaining periods are considered the employee's personal time, during which the employer's instructions do not apply to him.
Step 4
The normal duration of the designated working time is determined by law; it cannot exceed forty hours a week. Departure from this rule is allowed only in strictly defined cases (for example, for employees with irregular working hours, when involved in overtime work).
Step 5
There are three types of working hours, each of which applies to certain categories of employees: normal working hours, part-time working hours, and reduced working hours. Thus, companies are obliged to establish a reduced time for performing labor duties for certain categories of employees (minors, disabled people and others). Sometimes an employee moves from one type of working time to another due to certain circumstances (for example, a woman is assigned part-time working hours due to pregnancy).