Top 10 Best Copywriting Exchanges Of

Top 10 Best Copywriting Exchanges Of
Top 10 Best Copywriting Exchanges Of

Today, it is no longer necessary to explain to anyone what copywriting is. Some are already doing it, others just want to try their hand, and still others have heard about it from friends. Another thing: where can you make good money writing articles? Many people are interested in this question.

best copywriting exchanges 2016
best copywriting exchanges 2016

Top exchanges for a copywriter

So, the top of 2016 included:

1. (or is an international domain)


This is undoubtedly one of the best copywriting exchanges of 2016. Since it is great for both beginners and professionals. Prices start at 5 rubles. for 1000 characters. But it is not at all necessary to write for this amount. You can take a literacy test, write a couple of qualified works for "stars" and start taking orders at a price of 25-30 rubles. Withdrawal of earned funds is available today to Qiwi, Yandex. Money and Webmoney wallets.



This is another good exchange for a copywriter. Orders are different - from writing a simple informational text to coming up with various tests. Paid work is quite worthy - from 40-50 rubles. for 1000 characters without spaces. Although the promoted performers with 4-5 stars and a lot of positive reviews can count on orders that cost from 150 to 300 rubles. for the same volume. Not bad at all. Withdrawals are made to Webmoney and Yandex. Money.

It is worth noting that this exchange also has some drawbacks - the obligatory passing of the test upon registration, a large percentage of funds retained by the site (in general, the performer loses 15% of the original order value), a paid account (you need to pay 100 rubles per month to work). But usually incomes significantly exceed expenses, so it is very possible to work.



This freelancing exchange also has a lot of orders for writing texts for websites, online stores, books and brochures. The prices are varied, there are no commissions, customers pay directly to your wallets or cards, it is possible to demand an advance payment or work through a secure transaction service. But! All good orders usually go to the owners of premium accounts, and they are not cheap (from 440 rubles per month). At the same time, it is not a fact that you will immediately get at least one order. Since here you will have a lot of competitors, sometimes very famous ones.



There are always a lot of orders for the price from 18 to 35 rubles. for 1000 characters without a space for a beginner copywriter, from 35 to 120 rubles. for someone who has moved to the intermediate level, and from 50 to about 250 rubles. for those who have reached a high level. Payments are made to Webmoney or Qiwi on Mondays. The minimum withdrawal amount is 120 rubles. The good news is that some orders can be taken without waiting for the customer's approval.



In terms of operation and income, this copywriting exchange 2016 is somewhat similar to But immediately after registration, you will be required to pass a test of knowledge of the Russian language. If you write the text on the assignment perfectly, you will become a performer. Otherwise, you will be "asked" to come in a couple of months. Payments are made to Webmoney and Qiwi on Mondays. The minimum amount is 50 rubles.



A well-known copywriting exchange from the creators of Miralinks. Here all the texts are written mainly for this system. Before starting work, you will need to pass the test without errors and write an article on the topic given on the site. If the editor, after checking, approves it, you will have access to the system.



This is also a fairly old copywriting exchange. There are always a lot of interesting orders (and not only for writing a text). If you manage to catch on and get regular customers, you will earn good money - not bad at all.

Also, the top ten includes such copywriting exchanges as,, Judging by the reviews of the performers on professional forums, you can get very good income from them.

Which exchange should you choose to work with?

All of these services are good in their own way. But a novice performer can be recommended to register and apply for several at once. This will give you a better chance of getting a good order quickly.
