The personnel reserve is available in the personnel services of most large enterprises. A vacancy in a large company can be vacated unexpectedly, and the HR manager is obliged to find an operative replacement for the left employee. It is in this case that a selection of resume of potential candidates comes.

It is necessary
- - summary
- - the Internet
Step 1
Being in the talent pool of any large company means bringing yourself a few steps closer to new career achievements. Recruiting professionals are confident that even if you are completely satisfied with your current position, you can still be in a conditional search for a more prestigious and profitable job. To begin with, conduct a thorough monitoring of the companies in the city in which you would like to work. Make a solid sample using any electronic directory, business almanac or yellow pages in your city. Inquire about the most attractive companies in terms of potential work. Use the Internet, publications in the press, as well as thematic forums (on sites about the work and life of your city). This way you can get an objective view of the internal environment of the chosen company. Make a list of companies, potential positions in them, and list your main findings and notes.
Step 2
Create a basic resume that includes all your professional achievements, experience and personal qualities. Attach a high-quality black and white photo. Next, you need to send out your resume according to the list compiled earlier. But for this you need to slightly modify the information specified in it. For example, if you are a marketer by education, you could work as a brand manager, an advertiser, and a PR manager. Depending on the chosen vacancy in your resume, focus on those professional skills that are necessary for this job. Do not overload the document with unnecessary information. Send your resume by e-mail, indicating in the subject line "To the talent pool." One day after sending your resume, call the company's HR department and check if your e-mail has been received. It is possible that you will be invited for an interview to get a more complete picture of you. For the interview, you should prepare clear answers in advance to questions about the level of the desired salary, as well as why you are looking for a new job at all.
Step 3
The next call to the personnel department of the enterprise should be only in a few months. Perhaps during this time new vacancies will appear, but your resume will be lost, or the employee who was previously involved in human resources will change. If necessary, resubmit your resume.
Step 4
Sometimes a talent pool is formed within the framework of the company in which you already work. In this case, it has a slightly different meaning. The company's management forms such a reserve if it is planned to expand or introduce new positions. Since you are already known at this company, a resume is not required. However, you will be asked to fill out additional questionnaires and take tests. If you find out about the formation of a personnel reserve on your own, take the initiative and propose your candidacy. To do this, draw up a document for management, in which you reflect your vision of your own development within the company, as well as the new functionality that you are ready to take on.