No matter how close-knit and strong your team is, sooner or later the time comes to change specialists and managers. And, despite the fact that the labor market is overflowing with people looking for promising jobs, it is very difficult to find a replacement. If you have thought over this situation, prepared a reserve of leading personnel in advance, the issue will be resolved automatically.

Step 1
Divide the process of building a pool of executives into three main stages: 1. Selection of candidates 2. Coordination. 3. Statement.
Step 2
From among qualified personnel, select candidates who have proven themselves well in their positions. When selecting applicants, special attention should be paid to such points as the availability of specialized education, length of service and work experience, and the results of professional activity. Make the final choice after analyzing such indicators as the results of certification and psychological tests, feedback from immediate supervisors.
Step 3
Make a reserve list. In the first column, indicate the position for which the candidate is being selected, and full name. main employee. For example, the head of the logistics department is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. In the second column - position and full name. candidate. In the next column - the date of his birth, then education (including additional vocational, refresher courses, etc.). If it is planned to include two or more candidates for one position in the reserve, indicate them in the list on separate lines.
Step 4
Coordinate the prepared draft list with leading experts, correct if necessary and submit it for approval to the General Director
Step 5
After approval, the list of reserves for management positions in the company is ready. In order for it to become an active one, start training and internship of candidates. Make a plan and teach them in refresher courses on the training of the reserve of personnel.
Step 6
All candidates must complete an internship at their own enterprise or at leading enterprises in the industry abroad. Its duration, as a rule, is not less than a month. Mandatory documents confirming its completion: - internship plan approved by the head; - candidate report; - recall of the internship leader.