In accordance with Russian legislation, paid leave is provided to an employee every year, and taking into account difficult working conditions, an additional paid leave may also be issued to him. Calculation of vacations from the outside seems to be a simple matter. However, de facto, it turns out to be not so simple, especially for accountants. After all, an accountant has to take into account specific data for each employee separately.

It is necessary
individual information for each employee (due vacation period, the period for calculating the reserve, wages, as well as interest rates of insurance rates), calculator, notebook, pen
Step 1
Select the circle of people for whom the vacation reserve will be calculated. To make it convenient to calculate the reserve, it will be preferable to count by categories of employees, for example, management personnel or any department of the organization.
Step 2
Count the number of people in the selected category.
Step 3
For each employee, identify for how many months the employee is entitled to vacation in the coming year.
Step 4
Determine the total number of vacation days for all employees in the category up to the reserve creation date. To do this, you must first calculate the number of days allocated to each employee by dividing the number of vacation days for a year (28 days) established by law by 12 months and then multiplying by the number of vacation months for each employee in the coming year. Add all the numbers together to get the total number of vacation days.
Step 5
Determine the average daily earnings for this category of employees. To find it out, first calculate the average monthly earnings by category, dividing the sum of all salaries of employees in the category by the number of personnel. The final figure should be divided by 29.4 (the average number of days in a month).
Step 6
Now calculate the reserve itself by multiplying the total amount of vacation days for all employees by the average daily earnings of the category. The amount received is a reserve for the employee's vacation, excluding contributions. To calculate the amount of the reserve taking into account the rate for insurance premiums, multiply the amount of the reserve by the amount of the rate and add the amount of the reserve without the rate.