For the business of the company, the employer sends employees on a business trip to negotiate or sign certain documents. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a service assignment, a business trip order, a business trip certificate. The form of the service assignment is filled in by the head of the structural unit in which the employee works.

It is necessary
Unified form T-10a, employee documents, enterprise documents, pen, information about the organization to which the traveler is sent
Step 1
The form of the service assignment is unified and approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 dated 2004-05-01. The code for the All-Russian classifier of management documentation corresponds to 0301025. In the header of the document, enter the full name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual, if the company is an individual entrepreneur, as well as the company code in accordance with the All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations.
Step 2
Assign a service assignment number and compilation date. Enter the personnel number of the employee sent on a business trip, his last name, first name, patronymic in accordance with the identity document. Write the name of the structural unit where this specialist works, indicate his position in accordance with the staffing table.
Step 3
Enter the name of the organization to which the worker for your organization is sent, indicate the name of the city where it is located, the name of the country if the business trip is carried out in another country.
Step 4
Write down the start and end date of the business trip, the number of calendar days that the employee will be on the business trip, as well as the number of days, excluding travel time.
Step 5
Enter the name of the paying organization, as a rule, this is the name of the company that the employee is sent on a business trip. The expenses of a specialist during his stay on a business trip must be paid by the company in which he works.
Step 6
Briefly describe the purpose of this employee's business trip. If he needs to discuss any questions, indicate them. When an employee needs to formalize the signing of a contract and other documents, write the names of the documents that are handed over to the employee.
Step 7
The service assignment is signed by the head of the structural unit and the director of the organization, indicating the positions held, surnames and initials.