In order to get an employee to work, there is only one truly effective method - motivation. All people are different, so the selection of motivators should be individual. For some, the incentive is exclusively material incentives, someone needs career growth or recognition.

It is necessary
- - Cards of motivators for each employee;
- - Resources;
- - Management decisions.
Step 1
Conduct testing, based on the results of which (as well as the results of conversations with employees), draw up individual maps of motivators. They should contain answers to the question of what exactly will make this or that employee perform their duties better and hold on to work. When designing tests, it is important to take into account both the conscious and unconscious expectations of the staff.
Step 2
Ideally, workers should first be given to fill out what are called “scorecards” in which they should prioritize a list of defined conditions. For example, propose to mark the most significant of the items: “organization and working conditions”, “content of labor (work performed)”, “degree of your participation in decision-making”, “distribution of bonuses”, etc.
Step 3
Use the "battery" of the following tests: "Measurement of achievement motivation (A. Mehrabian)", "Methodology for diagnosing personality for motivation to avoid failures (T. Ehlers)", "Method for diagnosing personality for motivation for success (T. Ehlers)". According to leading business psychologists, these tests allow you to see the clearest picture of a person's true motivators. If you wish, you can include in this "battery" any of the small questionnaires devoted to truthful and socially expected answers. Thanks to them, you will be able to determine how the respondent was sincere when taking the test.
Step 4
Think over and agree with management what kind of material incentives you can offer. In this case, much depends on the economic situation at the enterprise. It is very important to convey their need to the director. Material incentives may include: a bonus issued based on the results of work for a specific period; bonuses paid for seniority, overfulfillment of sales or production targets, etc.
Step 5
Develop a list of non-financial incentives that are acceptable in your company. For example, career opportunities; training at the expense of the company; gratitude shown in one form or another. After the material and non-material motivators, as well as the motivation cards are ready, they should be brought together and used for the good of the company.