Sometimes, in the course of the economic activity of an enterprise, managers are forced to conclude employment contracts for a certain period, that is, the work will be temporary, and the contract will be urgent. This may arise when a person is hired who will have to temporarily replace an employee who has gone on maternity leave. Also, a fixed-term contract is concluded when applying for seasonal work and in other cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 1
First, it should be noted that this agreement is concluded for a maximum of five years, in the event that a longer period of work is indicated, the regulatory document is considered concluded for an indefinite period.
Step 2
The procedure for concluding a fixed-term employment contract does not differ much from an agreement concluded for an indefinite period of time. The employee must write a statement to the manager with a request to be hired, while making a note of a fixed-term employment contract. He must also indicate the desired position.
Step 3
After that, issue an order for employment (form No. T-1), where indicate that the employee is a temporary worker. Also, be sure to write down the period of urgent work, remember that it should not exceed five years. The order is signed by the head of the organization and given to the employee for signature, with his signature he confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with the above information.
Step 4
Also conclude an employment contract with the employee, it does not differ much, the only thing you need to indicate is that it is temporary and is concluded for a certain period of time. You can write the term as an end date, that is, write "This employment contract is valid from January 01, 2011 to March 30, 2011". You can also indicate not a specific date, but simply a period, that is, write "This employment contract is valid for three months."
Step 5
After that, make an entry in the employee's work book. It does not differ from the one that is done when applying for a job for an indefinite period, that is, you must also put down the ordinal number of the entry, the date in the format After that, write information about the job, that is, indicate that the employee was hired for the position, put down the basis (order), indicate the number and date of the document.