How To Get An Employee's Maternity Leave

How To Get An Employee's Maternity Leave
How To Get An Employee's Maternity Leave

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In almost every organization there are young employees who once decide to have a child. And after several months, there is a need for maternity leave.

How to get an employee's maternity leave
How to get an employee's maternity leave

It is necessary

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 255-ФЗ dated December 29, 2006. "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood"


Step 1

All legal aspects of the decree are spelled out in Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If this is your first time seeing an employee on maternity leave, be aware that maternity leave is granted to a woman upon her application addressed to the head of the company with a medical certificate attached to it. Such a conclusion will be a sick leave issued by an antenatal clinic, a maternity hospital or other medical institution.

Step 2

Having accepted the sick leave, look at its design. This is important because in the future, it is the social protection department that will reimburse the employer's expenses that he spent on paying the sick leave. And if the registration is incorrect, he will return this sheet to you for revision. In total, such a sick leave is given for at least 140 days (70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery). With multiple pregnancies, respectively 84 days and 110 days. In case of complicated childbirth, the postpartum leave is extended by another 16 days, i.e. an additional sick leave will be issued at the maternity hospital. The sheet indicates the start and end dates of the sick leave.

Step 3

After accepting the application and sick leave, issue an order for signature and make the necessary notes about the decree in her personal card.

Step 4

Very often, female employees are asked to round their annual paid leave to maternity leave, i.e. attach them. Be aware that in accordance with Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you have no right to refuse her, regardless of her length of service at your enterprise. Thus, the future maternity leave goes on annual leave, and after the first one, without going to work, she goes on maternity leave.
