Parental leave may last in our country until the child reaches 3 years of age. After that, the mother either quits and continues to sit at home, raising the baby, or goes to work. However, she cannot just come to her workplace. She needs to formalize all her movements.

Step 1
In order to go to work, a young mother needs to come to her employer and write an application. It is necessary to write the following text in it: I ask to withdraw me from parental leave before he reaches the age of three years from (date). In the date column, you must indicate the desired day of return, in accordance with the regulatory enactments. That is, you cannot go to work without filling out the appropriate papers. And you need to write such a statement at least a month before the expected release date. After all, another person works in your place, and he needs time to pack up and quit.
Step 2
Having received an application from a woman, the management must draw up an appropriate order, which will be the basis for her to go to work. This order is carried out in a free form, there are no strict requirements for its execution. After the certification of this document, the woman is informed that she can safely go to her workplace from the date indicated in the application.
Step 3
There is another option for getting out of parental leave. This happens if a woman wants to go to work ahead of schedule. Then she also comes to work and writes a corresponding notification letter.

Step 4
The management in response to this should draw up an appropriate order. Its text will differ from the one that is written when the employee comes to work on time. In this case, the text of the order should sound like this: Allow Maria Sergeevna Ivanova, who is on parental leave until she reaches three years of age, to work. Ivanova Maria Sergeevna to start performing her duties from (date).
Step 5
But here you should take into account the fact that if a woman went to work ahead of schedule, this does not mean at all that she will work all the time. If desired and in accordance with the law, she can again easily go on parental leave until the child reaches three years of age.