Get out of the maternity leave granted to you on the basis of Part 1 of Art. 256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can after the child turns three, but you can do it earlier. In any case, the employer is obliged to provide you with the same job with the same wages. But how can you prepare yourself to go back to work and join your daily work responsibilities?

Step 1
First of all, you must decide who the child will be with now - register him in kindergarten or find a nanny for him. Take care of the paperwork and selection of a nanny as early as possible, since this is a very troublesome business. This is especially true of the nanny, because her ability to look after your baby may not quite coincide with the date of your exit from work. Here you need to think over the docking options. As a last resort, perhaps, to use for a while one of the grandmothers.
Step 2
The child also needs to be prepared and configured so that he will now spend the day in a children's team or with a nanny. If the child was successfully enrolled in kindergarten before the mother got ready for work, then for some time you can take him there for half a day. In the event that it has adapted immediately, leave it for the whole day.
Step 3
You knew perfectly well when you went on vacation that you would have to come back. Therefore, even if there is not much time on vacation, keep in touch with your colleagues and keep abreast of the events and work processes that are taking place in your team. Check your company's website periodically to keep abreast of new appointments and new methods of work, drive to the cafe where your colleagues eat, invite them to a cup of coffee at your home. Maintain a constant connection and keep your finger on the pulse, in this case it will be much easier for you when you return.
Step 4
It makes sense to notify your management in advance of your return and ask for a face-to-face meeting. You will negotiate the terms of return, demonstrate your willingness to work actively and respect by informing your superiors.
Step 5
Before "X" time comes, wash all your baby's clothes and fill the refrigerator with food while you still have time for household chores. In the first week, of course, it will be difficult for you, but women are of the stronger sex and we know that you can handle it!