In accordance with article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a woman working under an employment contract has the right to go on maternity leave. In this case, the employer is obliged to pay her an allowance, which will be partially reimbursed by the FSS. But in order to receive financial support, a pregnant girl must complete a number of documents.

- - a certificate of incapacity for work;
- - a certificate from a medical institution;
- - birth certificate of the child;
- - certificate of the father's place of work.
Step 1
First of all, register with a medical facility. To do this, you will need a valid medical policy, insurance certificate and passport. Note that if you register in the first trimester of pregnancy, you are entitled to this one-time benefit. To obtain it, provide the employer with a certificate from the antenatal clinic. Write a statement to the manager's name.
Step 2
Obtain a certificate of incapacity for work at a medical facility. Check the correctness of filling in the reference information, all data should be entered in black ink. Check your medical record number, full name. patient, TIN and SNILS number. The sheet must also contain information about the place of work and position, check these data with the entry in the work book or in the employment contract. You must receive a certificate of incapacity for work within 30 weeks from your doctor.
Step 3
Provide a certificate of incapacity for work to the head of the organization. In addition, write a statement to the employer. It should be something like this: “Based on the issued certificate of incapacity for work from (date of issue), please grant me maternity leave from (period). Sick leave certificate No. (indicate which one) dated (date) is attached to the application."
Step 4
Remember that you are entitled to maternity leave of 70 days before and 70 days after birth. If you are expecting twins, the leave is extended by 14 days before and 40 days after birth. If you had a difficult birth, for example, a cesarean section was used, 16 days are added to the leave.
Step 5
For the employer to pay you child care benefits, write a statement to the name of the head of the organization. Attach the child's birth certificate or a certificate from the maternity hospital to the document, and you also need to provide a certificate stating that the baby's father does not receive such benefits at the place of work. The content of the application should be something like this: "I ask you to grant me leave from (date) to care for a child until he reaches the age of three years with the accrual and payment of the due monthly allowance."