A job description is an important document that allows you to get a comprehensive understanding of the business and personal qualities of an employee. It may be required for both internal and external use. In the second case, it even acquires the significance of a legal document.

Internal and external characteristics from the place of work
Such a characteristic for internal use may be required in the event that the management of the enterprise needs to learn more about the business and personal qualities that a promising employee who they want, for example, to raise, possesses. However, if they want to get rid of an employee due to his inconsistency with the position held or repeated violations of the internal regulations, most likely, such a description from his immediate superior may also be required.
In these cases, the characteristic can be drawn up on a simple sheet of paper, and not on the company's letterhead. It is a document of internal use and the information provided in it does not require permission to publish from an employee protected by the law on the protection of personal data.
An external characteristic may be required by the worker himself. This document can be requested from him by the bank, where he wants to get a loan, or to the consulate of a foreign state, where he applies for a visa. A characteristic from the place of work can also be requested by the administrative or judicial authorities, and it may also be required for submission to the traffic police. Sometimes such a description, at the request of relatives, is issued for a former employee who is in prison and for whom they want to issue early release. In these cases, the characteristic must be printed on the company letterhead and signed by its manager. The company letterhead, on which all its details are indicated, makes the description a legal document, for the content of which the person who signed it is personally responsible. In the text of the external characteristics, it is necessary to indicate for submission to which authority it was issued.
What should contain a characteristic from the place of work
The content of this document should, with the maximum degree of objectivity, reflect the professional skills and experience, personal qualities of a person. It usually indicates the period that he worked at a given enterprise, so that it could be judged by him how much he was able to prove himself during this period.
In the description from the place of work, they write about how the person coped with his job duties and how conscientiously he performed them. An important part of this document is the paragraph, which reflects his personal qualities that help or hinder him to carry out his work duties, as well as a description of his relationship with colleagues. When drawing up an external characteristic, it should be borne in mind that this document may influence the decision that the requesting authority will take.