How To Write A Testimonial From The Place Of Work

How To Write A Testimonial From The Place Of Work
How To Write A Testimonial From The Place Of Work

Table of contents:


Nowadays, a job description has not played such a role for a long time as it did in the Soviet period. One of the few areas where this document can still be significant is when it is issued for trial on a person accused of a criminal offense. And from this we are not insured, unfortunately, no one. Even impeccable obedience to the law sometimes cannot serve as a 100% guarantee.

How to write a testimonial from the place of work
How to write a testimonial from the place of work

It is necessary

  • - computer;
  • - letterhead;
  • - Printer;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - the seal of the organization.


Step 1

This document is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization and begins with the name and mention of the surname, name and patronymic of the person who is given: CHARACTERISTICS

on Ivanov Petr Vasilievich"

Step 2

This is followed by information about the time of work of a person in the organization and the positions held by him. For example: “Ivanov Petr Vasilyevich worked at LLC“Horns and Hooves”in the period from April 21, 2006 to September 14, 2008, including from April 21, 2006 to 01 January 2007 in the position of sales manager of the department of work with private clients, from January 01 to 08 June 2007 - senior sales manager of the department of work with private clients, from 08 June 2007 to 01 January 2008 - head of the department of work with private clients and from January 01 to September 14, 2008 - Deputy Head of the Commercial Service. Since September 14, 2008 Ivanov P. V. was dismissed of his own free will. If a person still works in the company, the wording "to the present" is used where necessary.

Step 3

Next, you should go to the part, in fact, characterizing the former (or present) employee: “During his work in LLC“Horns and Hooves”Ivanov P. The. has established itself …”Here it must be borne in mind that the characteristic can be taken into account by the court first when deciding whether to place the accused in custody until the end of the investigation, and subsequently, in the worst case scenario, to impose a lighter or more severe punishment from the one provided for by the relevant article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And if the court does not take into account the positive characteristics at the place of work, this can be used when appealing its decisions.

Step 4

In the first case, the main reason for placement in a pre-trial detention center is often the fear that the suspect or the accused will hide from the investigation. Here, documentary evidence of the obligation of a person, strict adherence to them during the period of work, corporate norms and rules (which can be regarded as evidence of compliance with the law), a high sense of responsibility, and so on, can be of decisive importance.

Step 5

In the end, it will be logical to draw a conclusion about how one can characterize a person as a whole. For example: “Based on the above, I can characterize P. V. Ivanov. POSITIVE.”The characteristic is signed by the head of the organization or acting, or another substitute. The signature of the immediate superior is acceptable as a last resort, but it looks less convincing. Since the document is being prepared for the court, the letterhead and signature are not enough, you need to certify the seal.
