A petition from the place of work may be required by an employee of the enterprise for submission to the court, the traffic police, if there is a question of deprivation of rights, to the education department of the administration when considering an application for a voucher to a kindergarten or in other cases. It implies, in its meaning, the guarantee of the organization in which this person works, for his business and moral qualities, which involve some indulgences and benefits.

Step 1
To write an application, be sure to use the form of your organization, which indicates its full name, legal address, contact numbers, bank details.
Step 2
In the address part, write the surname, initials, the position held by the head of the organization to which the application is written, its full name, zip code and postal address.
Step 3
Under the address write the word "Petition" and indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee to whom this document is being written. Also reflect in this title part his position and length of service in your company.
Step 4
A petition is essentially a request for leniency or to distinguish the person from others who are claiming some kind of distributed benefits. Your task is to characterize your employee in the most flattering and convincing way and vouch for his business and moral qualities in the name of your company. If this is a petition to the court, then the severity of the sentence may even depend on it.
Step 5
In any case, start with a description of your employee's career path, mention the enterprises where he worked before he started working for you. Describe how his business skills and hard work affect his performance in the job. Emphasize how valuable it is to your business.
Step 6
Tell us about his moral qualities, about the authority that this employee enjoys among colleagues. Reflect his participation in some public organizations, charitable assistance provided to them.
Step 7
If we are talking about allocating an apartment, getting a referral to a kindergarten or a voucher for sanitary treatment, it will not be superfluous to talk about the family circumstances and housing conditions in which the employee lives. Mention and list the persons who are dependent on him, the degree of their relationship, age.
Step 8
Indicate the purpose of the application. Sign it with the head of the organization, reassure it in the human resources department and in the legal department. Put the company stamp and date of signature.