If the light was turned off, and the debtor is sure that the procedure was carried out in violation of the law, there are several options to solve the problem. To connect the light, there is a list of actions that will have to be performed.

Power supply workers have become more demanding of debtors in recent years. Today, for a delay in payment for consumed electricity in an amount 3 times higher than the subsistence level (in each region of the Russian Federation it is calculated based on local conditions), the power supply to the dwelling is cut off.
But often the employees of the electricity supplier themselves do not know the powers established for them by law and turn off the electricity for much less payment arrears. In addition, the legislator has established a procedure for preceding a power outage at the facility. But in practice, it is often not followed. This is the basis for the debtor to write a claim and refer it to the power supply organization.
What to do if the light is turned off?
Before deciding to stop the supply of electricity, the energy sales employee is obliged to warn the debtor a month in advance of the impending sanction. The warning must be presented in printed form, executed on a standard form, contain information about the date of its issue, the amount of debt and be certified by the signature of an energy sales employee. All these requirements are spelled out in the "Agreement on the terms of supply of electricity", which is automatically concluded with the consumer when starting to use the service.
If the debtor is sure that the actions of the employees of the electricity supplier organization are illegal, he can apply for the protection of his rights to the Prosecutor's Office or the Federal Antimonopoly Service (OFAS), which will check the power outage procedure in this particular case for compliance with the law.
How to connect the light after a power outage for non-payment?
First you need to pay off the debt. If at the moment there is no such possibility, you should write a statement in energy sales asking for an installment plan for the payment of debt. It is provided for a period of 6 months and cannot be denied. With a certificate that the financial aspect of the issue has been resolved at the moment (issued in the same place), you will need to visit the power supply organization, in which you will need to pay for the electricity connection. In most regions of the Russian Federation, this amount does not exceed 1,000 rubles.
After all the above stages of connecting the light are completed, it remains to wait for the electricians who will do their job. If the situation with a power outage is difficult and it is not possible to solve it on your own, it is recommended to consult a lawyer on how to solve the problem that has arisen.