Replacing a passport at the age of 20 is a mandatory procedure that must be carried out within a certain period from the moment a citizen reaches the specified age. The package of documents in this case does not differ in large volume and includes a minimum list, which will not be difficult to collect. If you lose any of the necessary documents, the restoration also takes place as soon as possible. Usually they are issued on the day of application.

Documents to be submitted to replace a passport:
- passport to be replaced;
- two photographs (format 35 x 45 mm);
- application Form No. 1-P (can be obtained from the employees of the Federal Migration Service or downloaded via the Internet);
- receipt of payment of the established state duty.
It is also better to have with you (if you have these documents):
- military ID (if the citizen changing the passport belongs to military service).
- certificates (if these facts are available) on registration or divorce.
- certificate (if any) of the birth of a child or children.
- documents confirming registration.
- certificate of citizenship.
Where and how to get documents to replace a passport at 20
Receiving a new document usually takes place in two stages. First, a package of documents is submitted to the department of the Federal Migration Service. During the second visit to the department, the citizen receives a new passport.
Where to get documents in case of their absence.
The passport to be replaced (if the document is lost, then it can be restored through the divisions of the Federal Migration Service, the first receipt of the passport is also carried out through the indicated state body). Application for replacing an expired passport (issued by the employees of the Federal Migration Service at the request of citizens or downloaded via the Internet from the Portal).
A receipt for payment of the established state duty is also issued by employees of the Migration Service. The certificate of the conclusion of an official marriage, its dissolution, as well as documents confirming the presence of children are issued by the registry office (in case of loss, the same bodies are engaged in their restoration). You can confirm the registration using a special extract from the House Register.
The application must contain only reliable personal data. If the information is entered incorrectly, then the employees of the Federal Migration Service may refuse to accept the package of documents, and the process of obtaining a passport will be delayed for a long time. The application is not written by hand, but is a special form in which there are certain fields that must be filled out.
The following information must be indicated in the application:
- Full Name;
- date and place of birth indicated in the relevant documents;
- the names of the parents (according to the birth certificate);
- marital status;
- data on a previously issued passport;
- information about registration (registration).
All information in the application is indicated as legibly as possible. Otherwise, there may be delays in issuing a new passport. In the column "Reason for the replacement / issue of the document" it is necessary to register the fact of completion of 20 years.
How the passport is replaced
Terms of replacement of a passport upon execution for a citizen is 20 years:
- 10 days in the presence of the entire set of necessary documents;
- 2 months, if there is no permanent or temporary registration, the appeal takes place at the place of stay, and not registration or in other cases when it is necessary to clarify certain data of the passport holder.
You can get a passport in two ways:
1. By personally contacting the divisions of the Federal Migration Service.
2. By submitting an application on the official website of the Federal Migration Service (in this case, the entire package of documents is uploaded to the website in electronic form, after which it will be necessary to wait for the notification of the readiness of the passport and visit the branch of the state body)
The consequences of missing the deadline for replacing a passport in 20 years
If, upon reaching the age of 20, within 30 days, a citizen has not applied to state bodies with an application for a passport replacement, then this fact implies:
1. The emergence of administrative responsibility.
2. It entails a fine ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles (depending on the region). As soon as a person turns 20, the main identity document becomes invalid.
3. Transactions with an invalid passport are not allowed, and the document itself is considered invalid. An expired document may become a reason for refusal to travel abroad, to draw up contracts, as well as other documentation that implies the indication of these passports.