Guardianship of the elderly can be formalized either in the form of foster care or in the form of full guardianship. The processes for registering one and the other form of guardianship differ significantly.

Step 1
In the form of a patronage guarantee, you can arrange guardianship for the elderly if they do not suffer from any mental disorders, but are simply weak and unable to take care of themselves on their own. Such guardianship can only be obtained if there is a statement from the person himself confirming that he agrees to be cared for. An elderly person can refuse guardianship at any time by also writing an appropriate application.
Step 2
In order to arrange guardianship for the elderly in the form of foster care, collect all the documents necessary for this, namely: an application from an elderly person, an application from you, your passport and its copy, an act of inspection of your home. You will also need a medical opinion about your health condition, as well as a description from your place of residence and work. Submit the collected documents to the guardianship authority.
Step 3
If the elderly people over whom you want to issue guardianship are not your parents, you will need to present to the guardianship authority a notary-certified permission for pensioners' children to exercise foster care.
Step 4
To obtain full custody of the elderly, in addition to the application, you will need to provide the custody authorities with the opinion of the medical and psychiatric commission, confirming the insanity of pensioners.
Step 5
Only the Arbitration Court can recognize a person as incompetent and appoint guardians for him. You should contact him after visiting the guardianship authorities. The court may deny you guardianship and assign the elderly person to a mental health clinic or social institution where they will be cared for.
Step 6
In any case, having issued guardianship over an elderly person, you will not become his legal heir and will not receive the right to dispose of his property. Therefore, custody is only a voluntary desire to care for the elderly.