When To Prescribe A Newborn

When To Prescribe A Newborn
When To Prescribe A Newborn

So another little man was born. Now, among other things, his parents are faced with tasks of a legal nature. One of the first questions that young mothers and fathers ask: when is it necessary to prescribe a newborn?

When to prescribe a newborn
When to prescribe a newborn

Some time ago, the concept of registration was replaced by registration. The child must be registered within 1 month from the date of birth, otherwise you risk being held liable under Part 2 of Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. This article establishes the responsibility for admitting residence without registration at the place of residence. The amount of the fine for this administrative offense ranges from 2,000 to 2,500 rubles. To register a child, the following documents will be required: - birth certificate of the child and its copy; - parents' passports and copies; - marriage registration certificate; - extracts from the house book or extracts from personal accounts; - an application requesting the registration of a child from one of the parents; - the second parent's statement that he agrees to register the child is required if the parents are registered at different addresses; - if the parents are registered at different addresses, then you need to confirm that the child is not registered with the second parent, for this a certificate from the place of residence of the second parent is required. There are several peculiarities when registering newborn children. Registration is carried out regardless of the size of the living space, even if these dimensions do not comply with the norms established by law. The child can be registered only with one of the parents (guardians or adoptive parents, if there are no parents). Registration of a child with other relatives is excluded, even if it is a grandmother or grandfather. It is also impossible to register a child on a separate living space, even if the child himself is the owner of this living space. When registering a child, the consent of the rest of the family is not required, even if they are the owners of this living space.
