Passport and international passport cannot be sent by mail, in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of postal services." The maximum that can be done in such a situation is to contact a notary in order to issue a copy of the passport and then affix an apostille or conduct consular legalization.

Step 1
Contact a notary so that he, after carefully reading the passport, certifies it. Be sure to inform him when assuring that the photocopy will be translated into another language and that it will be apostilled.
Step 2
Give certified copies to translators (usually their office is located near the Notary Chamber of the locality). The translator will clarify with you the correct spelling (and pronunciation) of the surname and first name. No later than in 7 days (and sometimes literally on the same day, depending on the urgency of your order and the workload of the translators), you will learn the translated documents. Check, in turn, the spelling of your name and surname. After that, the translator must sign the translation made by him.
Step 3
Contact the notary again in order for him to certify the authenticity of the translator's signature, check again the correspondence of the translation to the original passport and file it to the copy you already have.
Step 4
Contact the UFRS at the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for affixing an apostille (a square-shaped certifying stamp) on a copy of the passport certified by a notary and on the translation, if the country where you are sending the copy is a party to the 1961 Hague Convention. The procedure takes no more than 5 days (depending on the urgency).
Step 5
If the country has not acceded to this convention, the passport can be certified only through consular legalization. To do this, you will first need to contact the Federal Registration Service under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, then to the bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and only then to the consulate of the country where you are going to send your passport. Please note: a document certified in this way will only be valid in that country.
Step 6
And only after all these procedures can you contact the post office and send a copy of your passport with a letter with a declared value. Fill in 2 copies of the inventory form, where indicate the name of the addressee in Latin letters and the name of the enclosed correspondence (copy of the passport). In the column declared value, indicate the total cost of all procedures for making a copy for shipment. In order to make sure that the letter has reached the addressee, send a letter with acknowledgment of receipt.