Who Better To Work For A Melancholic

Who Better To Work For A Melancholic
Who Better To Work For A Melancholic

The type of temperament is an innate property of the psyche, which is largely associated with physiology. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the temperament when choosing an activity. Melancholic people are especially "unlucky" in this regard, because of the 4 types of nervous activity, he is the only weak one.

Who better to work for a melancholic
Who better to work for a melancholic

Features of a melancholic temperament

Currently, the most widespread classification of types of temperament I. P. Pavlova. According to his theory, each of the 4 types of temperament corresponds to certain features of the course of nervous reactions in the body. Describing them, Pavlov used such characteristics of nervous processes as

- power;

- poise;

- mobility;

- speed and strength of reactions.

According to this classification, type 4 of the nervous system, which corresponds to a melancholic temperament, is characterized by such features as weakness and imbalance in the course of nervous processes, a slow and weak reaction to stimuli.

This means that the melancholic hardly resists the effects of strong stimuli, has little activity and stamina, at the same time is anxious, prone to anxiety, does not adapt well to a new environment and new people, and prefers loneliness. At the same time, he is prone to strong feelings, which he leaves "in himself", not taking emotions outside.

Eysenck, characterizing the melancholic, said that he was an introvert with high sensitivity. Such a person reacts extremely painfully to criticism, gets tired easily, is not able to endure physical and mental stress for a long time, is closed, tends to pay more attention to his inner world than to the people around him and external factors.

As a rule, representatives of this temperament are prone to low self-esteem, excessive sensitivity, avoid difficulties and prefer loneliness.

Working conditions for the melancholic

Nevertheless, a melancholic may well be an effective worker, it is only important to choose favorable working conditions for him.

1. The melancholic does not get along well with people, it is difficult for him to work in a team, therefore, it is preferable for him to give individual tasks.

2. A tough work schedule is not suitable for a melancholic - within such a framework he quickly loses strength, and, consequently, his ability to work. This means that it is better to choose a job in which a representative of this temperament could independently determine the timing of assignments, regulate his work and rest schedule.

3. The melancholic is emotional, as a rule, has a rich inner world and, under certain conditions, is able to quite successfully cope with creative work.

4. Evaluation of the work of a melancholic should take place in a mild benevolent form - he is extremely sensitive to harsh criticism.

5. In his work, the melancholic is better off avoiding emergencies that require immediate response.

6. It is extremely difficult for people of this type to work with clients, it can drain them emotionally, so it is better not to choose a field of activity in which you have to deal with a large number of people every day (service sector, pedagogy, etc.).

The most preferable for representatives of this type will be "office" work, in which they themselves will be able to allocate time to perform a certain amount of tasks with minimal control at intermediate stages. The melancholic is also able to successfully cope with creative work - writing books, articles, the activities of an artist, designer, etc.

The best choice for the melancholic is likely to be freelancing on a remote basis. This can be the work of a copywriter, website development, design, etc.
