The stereotype of hard work has been absorbed into our brains for millennia: only hard, exhausting and long work leads to success. Many even boast that they work 12 hours a day, moreover, without raising their heads. This medal has an unpleasant downside: if you do not pay attention to life (you’re at work all the time!), Then life will stop paying attention to you and will pass by. There is only one way out - to work less, but more productively.

Step 1
Concentrate on three main tasks. Do your best to fulfill them. The rest - as far as possible. To do this, make a to-do list for the evening and prioritize right away. Then in the morning you will not have to rush in search of the most important, and it is easier to fall asleep with a calm soul.
Step 2
Set deadlines, and tight deadlines. For example, if you are given three days to complete a task, then you will complete it for three days. Therefore, evaluate your strengths, make a decision and be sure to keep within the allotted time. Don't put it off until the last moment.
Step 3
Apply the 80 to 20 rule. More precisely, focus on your most important work and don't waste time on trivial tasks. Then 20 percent of your efforts will bring 80 percent of the result.
Step 4
Measure the results. Break the big goal down into subgoals and record their progress. Record the results achieved. Thus, a step-by-step plan will be developed, the clarity of the tasks set, respectively, and productivity.
Step 5
Start and finish work on time. It is advisable to get up early as there are fewer distractions in the morning. Leave the office on time so your brain can rest well.
Step 6
Avoid multitasking. It forces you to work slowly, wastes concentration, and causes mistakes. So, again, focus on priorities, put all your energy and work into them.
Step 7
Practice an informational diet. Today it is relevant. Limit your time reading e-mail, magazines, newspapers, especially on social media. Discard unnecessary information. Try this diet for a week to get started. This is enough to mark the improvement in performance.
Step 8
Exercise for 30 minutes. Alternate physical and mental work. Plus, exercise can help reduce stress, keep your thoughts in order, and improve learning.
Step 9
Take time and space for reflection. Sit there, who will not bother you, and think. Think about anything other than work. This exercise teaches you how to relax and develop positive thinking. At first it will be unusual, but gradually it will become a habit. Don't forget to visit this place regularly.
Step 10
Finally, learn to stop, separate professional and personal. Staying at work even for an hour is not a mortal sin, but it leads to fatigue and disruption of the usual pace. Free time is no longer fully used.