Big money can never be earned by doing an unloved business. And the love of work turns work into a hobby that brings impressive profits. Therefore, in order to work less, and at the same time receive more, you need to find a job to your taste and do it with pleasure, thereby bringing benefit to the world around you.

“Find a job to your liking and you won't have to work a single day in your life,” one of the philosophers remarked, and with these words he got right to the point. The less discomfort an occupation brings, the more it seems to be paid for it. After all, it's one thing for 10 dollars a day for 8 hours to load carriages with bags of cement, and another thing for the same amount to play music with students for just an hour a day.
Look for yourself and improve
The first step towards more profits and more free time is choosing the right activity. Think about what you have more soul for, and devote yourself to this business. It does not matter how others will react to it, to whom it may seem strange your decision to choose the career of an itinerant artist to work in a bank. If you enjoy what you do, this activity is sure to pay dividends for you.
You must understand that the better you understand your chosen niche, the more you can charge for your services. Therefore, do not forget that it is never too late to learn, and there is no limit to perfection, which means that you should always look for opportunities to develop and improve your skills. This will allow you to devote less time to work, but not lose in profit.
Become a brand
This point would have been incomprehensible to Salvador Dali if he had heard it at the dawn of his career, but, without realizing it, the genius strictly followed the rules of creating and maintaining a personal brand. The more people know about you, the more benefits you will be able to derive from your favorite activity. And so that you are known and, what is also important, remembered, you need to stand out from competitors and constantly keep the brand of quality of work.
Think about what you can give to the world that people with a similar occupation do not give. Well, if you can excel in several aspects, then you have much more chances of being in the place of an industry leader who works little and earns a lot.
Do for the soul
In any industry, the leader is the one who knows how to do something for the soul, and not for the sake of money. You should not constantly count your profits and think about where you will spend money that has not even been earned yet. It is better to devote time to your favorite business, put your soul into it, and the universe will certainly share in return what you lack. And, by the way, even when you are already at the height of bliss from the fact that you can work a little, and earn enough, you should not bury yourself and go off the intended course. Enjoy your work and you will never need anything.