How To Work And Not Earn

How To Work And Not Earn
How To Work And Not Earn

Often people work to the point of moral exhaustion, when the paperwork, the usual things, problems with the authorities draw out all their strength, and the person feels overwhelmed and empty. Fortunately, this condition can be avoided.

How to work and not earn
How to work and not earn

Take a vacation

The most logical thing is to take a vacation and do nothing but rest. No work calls, messages or emails. A couple of weeks without the usual bustle may well bring a person to their senses.

Make a list of work tasks that make you happy

You didn’t just choose this job, there are positive aspects in it. Write them down.

Create a list of jobs that don't make you happy

In addition to the good aspects, there are also those that directly piss you off. Write down only the things you hate; do not write down what things you are indifferent to.

Dedicate time only to those things that make you happy

A week or two of the rest of the tasks may well wait. After all, you can always tell your boss that you are working on the most important part right now.

Discard unnecessary stress

Go to your boss and tell them that this and that business is preventing you from doing your main job well, and suggest someone to whom you can delegate it. The employer is more interested in the result, and if you don't have enough energy for all the tasks, the result will be the same.

Spend less time doing work that doesn't make you happy

You can easily do this if you do such things for a fixed time. It is much easier to solve disgusting things at a swoop than to waste them and ruin your life with it.

Ask for a department change

If you work for a large company and have shown yourself to be a good employee, ask to be transferred to another department where you will not feel uncomfortable.


If everything is really very bad and it has become impossible to endure such a life, quit. So what if the place is good, psychological comfort is more expensive. Plus, you will likely find a better place soon. No job is worth getting depressed and enjoying life because of it.
