It is difficult to find a person who has never thought about the question of increasing his earnings. Time passes, prices rise, new necessities appear: buy an apartment and a car, raise children and give them a good education. All this requires new and new money and the existing income begins to be insufficient.

To start making more money, first of all, change your character. Perseverance, hard work, the ability to come up with new ideas - all these qualities can automatically lead to the fact that the level of earnings will go up. Working on yourself is always a long and difficult process, but it will be difficult for an insecure person, lazy and not purposeful to make any big money.
Acquire new knowledge and skills
In any kind of activity, you always need to acquire new specific knowledge and skills aimed at making money. For example, for sellers, this knowledge and skills consists in studying the assortment, in mastering the techniques of persuading people, etc.
Many people achieve outstanding success in their work. Then they systematize the acquired knowledge and skills and begin to advise others. These can be any seminars, courses, including distance ones, via the Internet. It is clear that attending such courses will provide new knowledge and methods aimed at increasing your earnings, and they should not be ignored.
However, while these courses provide many helpful tips to help you achieve outstanding success in your business, many of the guidelines may not work for everyone. This is understandable: specific knowledge of topics is valuable because it is suitable only for some specific situations. Therefore, you should be careful when applying this kind of advice. For example, the advice to distribute business cards to everyone will help some lawyer or realtor. But for the builder, advice on reducing the cost of work and on meeting deadlines will work much better.
Many psychologists point out a separate category of people who cannot earn more just because they inspired it to themselves. Usually these people believe that big money spoils people, that they have to sacrifice their health in order to earn money, that you can earn a lot only by dishonest and illegal methods or with the help of connections and influential acquaintances. With such convictions, these individuals do not seek to earn above a certain limit, which they have set themselves or which is set by their employer. Such psychological attitudes are removed with the help of constant self-persuasion and self-hypnosis. As already mentioned, working on yourself is not a matter of one day or even one week.
New sources of income
The next stage is the correct distribution of your income. Even if you start working super efficiently, you may not receive a salary increase if the employer only pays a fixed salary that does not depend on performance. In such conditions, one can only count on career growth, and even then not always. Therefore, it makes sense to move to another job, where the salary depends on the efficiency of each individual employee. For example, in the field of sales.
There is another way - to find new sources of income. It is here that the effectiveness of the efforts made will determine the result - the amount of additional income. You can simply save up some amount, put it on a deposit and receive a small but stable interest on it. You can get a second job and, spending extra effort and time, get much more. You can start a small business and gradually, developing it, achieve more and more income. Which option to choose - everyone decides for himself, since what suits one person may not be suitable for another at all.