The transition from summer to autumn and rainy weather often affects the human body with depression, fatigue and decreased performance. The right balance of power and bright accents will help increase productivity at work.

Step 1. Bright accents in clothes
Autumn is not a reason to hide yourself in black and gray colors. Extend the summer feeling with brightly colored sweatshirts and accessories. Choose warm shades: sandy, mocha, tomato, olive, green peas, salmon, etc.
A colorful scarf or umbrella will charge you with its playfulness. From jewelry, choose gold and white jewelry - they are soothing. Bright bags will also delight you with a reminder of warm days.

Step 2. Creating coziness in the workplace
It is a mistake to believe that for an active working mood, the atmosphere at work must be purely businesslike. A person spends most of their day at work, so why not bring a little homeliness to the work environment?
First, put your workplace in order, put everything in its place, get rid of irrelevant information (remove old records, folders, etc., move away). Home flowers near the computer will reduce the negative radiation from technology and help relax your eyes. Green and orange have been shown to improve mood when viewed for 2-3 minutes.
Download funny wallpapers to your computer desktop: a beach, a forest soaked in the sun, cute animals, etc. It can also be a motivational picture in the spirit of “Have a rest? Now we can work."
To increase productivity, you should have bright reminder stickers in your field of view. You can also increase your productivity at work by using your to-do list for the day. Make a schedule in advance: from the evening to tomorrow or the morning of the current day until 10-00.

Step 3. Physical education and distribution of forces
Get enough sleep to maximize your productivity at work. Get an orthopedic mattress and pillow. Go to bed no later than 22-00 (this is the optimal time for the body to go through the phase of falling asleep and go to the stage of prolonged sleep). Scientists say that if you always fall asleep at 22-00 - 22-30, then a deep deep sleep will be 4 hours plus REM sleep, this is quite enough to "reboot" the body and good rest.
Try to come to work in a good mood. Listen to your favorite music while you are driving, if you have time - run into a coffee shop to drink aromatic coffee and eat your favorite delicacies.
When coffee does not relieve drowsiness, and the neck aches from the accumulated tension in it, physical education will save you. Raise and lower your shoulders 10 times, turn your head to one side and the other until it stops, as if you want to say “no” 7-10 times, stretch while sitting. Pull your knees slightly towards you, raise and lower your feet several times. It is advisable to perform these simple exercises every two hours to disperse the blood.

To relieve tension in the hand (carpal tunnel syndrome or "computer mouse" syndrome, when the hand gets tired of working at the computer for a long time), purchase a wrist expander. You can distract from bad thoughts with the help of friction: hold a pencil or pen in your palms and rub it with effort, as if you want to kindle a fire with this object.
Distribute your energy correctly. Cases requiring a long mental stress are best done from 10-00 to 12-00 and from 13-00 to 15-00, these are the most active periods. Do not neglect a full lunch (preferably a hot hearty soup), and at 15-00 it will not hurt to refresh yourself with protein food: 100 grams of pistachios, almonds with dried berries or a rye bread sandwich with cheese / salmon will replenish the spent energy resources.
If fatigue persists, and the mood from day to day leaves much to be desired, consult a doctor, perhaps you simply do not have enough vitamins or chronic diseases prevent the body from functioning normally.