How To Change Jobs Correctly

How To Change Jobs Correctly
How To Change Jobs Correctly

In the conditions of the modern labor market, people are increasingly moving from one place of work to another, but not everyone manages to decide on this, even if they really want to. And even those who make up their minds do not always change the employer correctly.

How to change jobs correctly
How to change jobs correctly


Sadly, the desire to change jobs or just leave the current job is not enough. In their hearts, perhaps many workers want this, but few decide. This is mainly due to the fear of risk and the worker's self-doubt. Few dare to step out of their comfort zone and step into the unknown. This is also due to the fear of losing stability, because in a new place you will need to re-establish contacts and prove that you are a valuable person. If you are not satisfied with the place that you occupy, then "change it, you are not a tree." Sooner or later you will have to do this, but at the cost of wasted time, energy and nerves.

When to leave

For representatives of dynamic specialties, 10 years of work experience in one place will not be an advantage over a new employer. Of course, the conversation is completely different, if all these years he developed along with the company and, starting with an intern, eventually became a director. But in the case when a person has been sitting in the same place for 5-10 years, this will speak of him as a person who is not striving for growth, development, unambitious and unable to adapt. At the same time, too short a time in the company will be a sign of the same little experience and skills. Thus, the optimal period of work in one place is at least 2-3 years and no more than 5-7. By the way, this does not apply to scientific specialties or those industries that are not developing so quickly. In this case, ten years of experience, on the contrary, will become an advantage.

Passive search

This is the name of a way of looking for a job, which is suitable for those who are afraid of losing their old place and not finding a new one at the same time. If you nevertheless made a clear decision that you want changes, be just as clear about which ones. Think about what does not suit you in your current position: salary, lack of career growth, bosses. And then, after analyzing all this, figure out for yourself exactly where, in what area, with what salary and opportunities you would like to work. After that, you can post your resume on specialized sites, and you can do it in such a way that no one will even know that you are looking for a job. To do this, simply select the function that will allow you to see your resume only to those employers you specify. You can also ask your friends about possible vacancies or vacancies, or place an ad in the newspaper or social networks. When you are invited for an interview, and you understand that you would like to work in this company, take an internship with them, taking a leave of absence at your current place of work. This will minimize the risk of being unemployed.
