In modern society, people are often engaged in combining two or more jobs. The official implementation of such work activities is not prohibited by law. It provides for all conditions that support the interests of employees. The proper registration of a part-time job depends on whether an employee works in one or several organizations.

- - employee documents;
- - documents of enterprises;
- - seals of organizations;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - rules for keeping work books;
- - forms of the relevant documents;
- - staffing table.
Step 1
If a specialist works in two firms, then this is called an external part-time job. The necessary documents of the employee must be at the main place of work, including the work book. Records in it can also be made about a part-time position by a personnel officer of only the main job. If desired, the employee can take the initiative and write a statement about the possibility of making an entry. Moreover, he should submit a document confirming the fact of work in another organization. This can be a certificate on letterhead, a copy of a contract or a copy of an order. In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are no precise explanations on this matter, so an employee can present one of them. On the basis of the document, the personnel officer must make a corresponding entry in the employee's work book.
Step 2
When an employee works in the same company, then one should distinguish between internal combination and combination of professions. With internal part-time work, the employee must work in a position that is not directly related to his qualifications and education. With a specialist, you should conclude a part-time agreement, indicate in it the working conditions, payment, time of performance of official duties. It should be borne in mind that part-time work should not interfere with the main job, a specialist can work on it in his free time from the main position. On the basis of an order for employment, when the employee shows the initiative, it is allowed to enter a record of part-time work in his work book.
Step 3
If an employee replaces any employee during his vacation, then such work is called combination. It is subject to remuneration. But unlike internal part-time jobs, an additional agreement should be drawn up to a specialist's employment contract.
When an employee, along with his duties, performs the labor function of a specialist with the same qualifications and from the same structural unit, then this should be considered an increase in the volume of work, which is fixed by the agreement to the contract.
When combining and increasing the volume of work, entries in the work book do not need to be made, since they are temporary.