The concept of "professionalism" is used in sociology, philosophy, linguistics and has two meanings. Firstly, this is the characteristic of a person with a high level of competence in any profession. Secondly, emotionally colored words and expressions from the speech of representatives of certain specialties are called professionalisms. So the pilots pronounce the phrase "from the screw", and the sailors - the word "batten down". Among people far from linguistics, the word "professionalism" is used in the first sense.

Step 1
A person who has achieved great success in the chosen business is considered a professional, and the manifestation of his skills in work is called professionalism. A person who has not reached this level and makes elementary mistakes, mistakes, or performs work at an average level, spends more time and effort than necessary, is called a beginner, an amateur, a specialist, a good specialist - depending on the degree of progress on the path to professionalism.
Step 2
To achieve the goal, it is necessary to acquire the knowledge accumulated by mankind in this specialty and develop skills. As a result of this improvement, the qualifications of the employee are growing. You can become a professional in any field of activity: in sports, science, art, people management, craft, etc.
Step 3
Professionalism manifests itself in a sense of responsibility for the results of work. A professional will not allow himself to be negligent, lazy, negligent.
Step 4
Modesty is another quality of people who have become professionals. Such workers do not boast of achievements, because they do not even think about another outcome. What others admire is an ethical standard for a professional, accepted before himself.
Step 5
Professionalism also manifests itself in admitting mistakes. If a person is engaged in research activities, the development of new devices, etc., errors, inaccuracies, and shortcomings are inevitable. A professional does not hide negative results: first of all, he is honest with himself.
Step 6
A professional is characterized by wisdom that comes over the years. It is thanks to this quality that a person is able to choose the shortest path to the goal, save time, effort and resources. Therefore, professional work is paid dearly.
Step 7
Professionalism is characterized by continuous growth in the chosen direction. It is worth noting the love for the work, without which it is impossible to reach heights. Therefore, in some cases a professional can work without pay, enjoying the growth process.