Corporate identity development is an important step in saving a company's advertising funds. The simpler and more memorable the logo and corporate colors of the company, the faster the consumer will start to distinguish it from competitors. The easier it will be to carry out repeat sales. And for beginners, popular and well-known companies are more attractive than the rest. But for that, they really have to stand out in the business environment.

Step 1
Conduct consumer research. The corporate identity can be created in such a way that it will immediately touch the hearts of future customers. And it will unmistakably let them know that your company is what they need. For this alone, it is necessary to conduct a study of the color preferences and associations of customers, their idealized ideas about the main properties of the product that they would like to purchase. Based on such research, it is important to draw up the most accurate terms of reference for designers.
Step 2
Hire a professional designer. When it comes to designing a corporate identity, the “cheap man pays twice” principle works especially well. A good designer differs from a bad one in that he knows how to go beyond his emotions and display what your clients need. Experienced advertising managers know what it is like when an amateur designer brings all the style options, for example, only in depressing tones. And it is not possible to convince him that cheerful yellow is better than dull gray-violet.
Step 3
Choose the simplest options. Complex play of tones, multidimensional logos are completely unacceptable things. The simpler and more unpretentious the logo and branding of the brand, the better. Ornate or sophisticated, you can later make advertising materials with a simple and memorable logo on them.
Step 4
Test the resulting variants of the corporate identity among buyers. This can be done quickly and easily: conduct several focus groups or set up a customer survey. It is very important to compare the consumer's verbal descriptions of the ideal company with its specific visual symbol. As a rule, if all the previous steps were performed correctly, large discrepancies are not found here. Small details are easy to change.
Step 5
Test corporate identity options among company employees. An important, but not required, component is also the study of the opinions of the company's employees regarding the new corporate identity. If sellers, managers, couriers or drivers find it embarrassing to be in the interiors of a new store, if they are ashamed of their business cards, this will significantly worsen the overall sales situation.