From a legal point of view, the regulation is understood in three main meanings: a normative legal act, an operating procedure and a set of rules that are not generally binding. Each of these definitions of the regulation has its own specific features.

According to the most common definition, a regulation is a special normative legal act of internal application, which regulates the procedure for the activities of a certain state body, describes its internal organization. So, in the Russian Federation there are regulations for the State Duma, the Federation Council, higher judicial bodies, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Central Election Commission and a number of other bodies.
So, the rules of procedure of the State Duma determine the order and frequency of its activities, forms of work, the presence of commissions and committees, the specifics of their creation and abolition, and many other issues. For citizens who are not directly related to these bodies, regulations are of secondary importance, however, their provisions can be guided by when challenging individual actions, decisions, acts of the relevant structures.
Regulation as an order of activity
Another definition of the rules is reduced to the designation of the procedure for holding certain collective events: meetings, meetings, congresses, conferences. Such regulations are adopted within state bodies and organizations, they can act temporarily or be applied on a permanent basis.
So, one-off events are often held on the basis of pre-approved regulations, which establish the characteristics of the behavior and interaction of their participants. The annual congresses of political parties usually approve permanent regulations, the provisions of which are applied only when the relevant events occur.
Regulation as a set of rules
Occasionally, the term "regulation" also denotes a set of any rules applied in a certain narrow sphere of life. In this sense, the regulation is not a normative legal act, but it is also used to regulate the behavior of citizens during certain events.
So, the regulations for holding sports competitions are often adopted, which apply only to participants in these events, and have a limited duration. Another rare designation of a regulation is the name of a normative legal act of unrestricted distribution, which expresses the power of the state governing bodies, however, such acts are not issued in Russia.