The law of the Russian Federation grants the right to appeal against the decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty. To do this, you must apply to certain authorities, providing the information necessary for the reconsideration of the case.

- - a copy of the decision on the appointment of an administrative penalty;
- - a copy of the protocol on an administrative offense;
- - computer.
Step 1
When drafting the text of the complaint, adhere to the generally accepted rules for writing such documents. In the upper right corner, write the name of the authority to which you are sending your complaint. Please indicate your full name in the field "Applicant" below. Write your home address and place of work on the line below. Then indicate the name and number of the contested act, the date of its adoption and the chosen punishment. Add the name and address of the government agency, as well as the name of the official who made the decision.
Step 2
Next, across the entire width of the sheet, write "Complaint against a decision in the case of an administrative offense."
Step 3
Below, clearly and concisely state the essence of the events, indicating the date and place of the incident, which entailed bringing you to administrative punishment. Explain under what laws the penalties were imposed on you.
Step 4
Then state your version of events and, making references to laws that, in your opinion, were violated by the issuance of this verdict, ask the court to cancel the proceedings.
Step 5
End your complaint with a request to grant it (referring to a certain law), and discontinue the case under no. _ (Specify the number) from _ (specify the date).
Step 6
Attach the following documents to the complaint: a copy of the decision on this case and a copy of the protocol on an administrative offense, as well as a second copy of the complaint.
Step 7
File your complaint with a judge or official of the authority to which it is issued. If the document is submitted not to the court, but to the responsible person, he is obliged, within 3 days, starting from the date of receipt of the complaint, to send it with the accompanying case materials to the appropriate instance, court or higher authority.
Step 8
If you wish to appeal the decision, keep in mind that the complaint can be filed no later than ten days after the date of delivery of a copy of the document. If you have been assigned an administrative penalty in the form of administrative arrest or administrative expulsion, the complaint must be sent to a higher court on the day it is received.