If you are stopped by the traffic police inspector and the case ended with the execution of the protocol, you have two options: either dutifully extinguish the penalty receipt or disagree with the alleged violation. To follow the second path, you need to know where and how to apply correctly.

knowledge of regulations
Step 1
It is worth starting with the elementary one - with drawing up a notification to the higher management that the traffic police officers made any violations during the execution of the protocol. Such a document should be clear and specific, it should briefly describe the circumstances of the incident. Appeal to legal acts that, in your opinion, were not complied with by the inspector, then your appeal will be more convincing. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to appeal against the protocol on the passed offense. That is why you need to try to challenge the activities of an official or an approved decision that can be issued by both traffic police inspectors and judicial authorities.
Step 2
In the first case, the decision can be recorded at the scene of the accident if the owner of the vehicle agrees with its issuance. In this case, the driver is issued a receipt, according to which he is ordered to pay a fine. In the event of a disputable situation, the decision is made by an employee of the department for the execution of administrative legislation. In this case, challenging the imputed offense should be carried out at the location of the traffic police department. It is quite enough to contact the higher management of the institution with a complaint, which must be drawn up in writing. If the decision was made by a judge, but you strongly disagree with him, you will have to apply to the prosecutor's office with a similar petition.
Step 3
After receiving the order, you have ten to challenge it, so do not throw away the envelope in which it came so that, if necessary, you can set the exact timeframe for a possible appeal. In the event that you could not, for any reason, file an appeal, you need to prove that the reason for that was good. This must be indicated in the application, which in such cases is submitted together with the complaint. Such applications are considered behind closed doors, so you do not have to waste time on court hearings. You will be notified of the decision by mail.